Mastodon Nachhilfe Business English, English conversation, Incoterms, Business correspondence 71229 Stuttgart, Token of Appreciation from Iran's national oil co., Stuttgart Businessenglish, Businessenglish Nachhilfe in Stuttgart : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Businessenglish Stuttgart

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 72160 Stuttgart in Arkansas | 70563 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70565 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70567 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70569 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70597 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70619 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70629 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70173 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70174 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70176 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70178 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70180 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70182 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70184 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70186 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70188 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70190 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70191 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg | 70192 Stuttgart in Baden-württemberg
Suche: Businessenglish in Stuttgart  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Stuttgart

Nachhilfe Business English, English conversation, ... Advanced

ID 18267
aus 71229 Stuttgart
Business English, English conversation, Incoterms, Business correspondence
Token of Appreciation from Iran's national oil co.
Nachhilfe Profilbild
RESUME (CURRICULUM VITAE) CONTACT DETAILS NAME: Amir F. ADDRESS: ... DATE OF BIRTH: 1980(1359) PLACE OF BIRTH: Shiraz MARITAL STATUS: Single INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EXAM TEACHER CAREER OBJECTIVES Summary:To teach in a training center for int'l exams with fair payment. EXPERIENCE Institution:Arak University Summary: Here, have taught TOEFL in English Department when I was a student. Date:2nd semester of academic year 2001-2002(1380_81) Institution:Shokouh Institute City:Tehran Summary: Passed TTC (Teacher Training Course) of Dr. Shamim,successfully. Date:2001(1380) Institution:Arak University scientific Association City:Arak Summary: Taught "INCOTERMS" & "Business Correspondence" Date:2001-2002(1380-81) Institution:Jahad Daneshgahi(Markazi Province's Branch) City:Arak Summary:Taught SEC,TOEFL. Date:2000-2004(1379-83) Institution:Arak's Petrochemistry Complex City:Arak Summary:Taught SEC in its "Traning Center" to sitemen to send them to Italy . Date:2003(1382) Institution:Jahad Daneshgahi(Esfahan's Branch) City:Esfahan Summary:Taught SEC & have been responsible for Placement Tests at Esfahan Unive.'s Branch. Date:2006-2007(1384-85) Institution:Shiraz University Language Center City:Shiraz Summary:Taught SEC & Intensive Courses in Adult's Section. Date:2004-2008(1383-86) Institution:SPGC(Iran's National South Pars Gas Company) City:Jam Summary:Taught General English for the clerks. Date:2008(1386) Institution:Shiraz University Language Center City:Shiraz Summary:Passed TTC under the supervision of Dr.Razmjoo(Shiraz Unive. Lecturer). Date:2008(1386) OTHER SKILLS Summary: Can translate Persian to English & vice versa clearly,work as Oral Translator in big conferences. HOBBIES Reading newspapers,writing short essays,translating (translated 3 books),Listening to Guitar. LANGUAGE SKILLS Can speak smatterings of German.
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