Mastodon Nachhilfe English, French 20122 Milano, High School and GCSE's in Italy and Australia, Milano English, English Nachhilfe in Milano : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe English Milano

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 76556 Milano in Texas | 10170 Milano in Huanuco | 20121 Milano in Lombardia | 20122 Milano in Lombardia | 20123 Milano in Lombardia | 20124 Milano in Lombardia | 20125 Milano in Lombardia | 20126 Milano in Lombardia | 20127 Milano in Lombardia | 20128 Milano in Lombardia | 20129 Milano in Lombardia | 20131 Milano in Lombardia | 20132 Milano in Lombardia | 20133 Milano in Lombardia | 20134 Milano in Lombardia | 20135 Milano in Lombardia | 20136 Milano in Lombardia | 20137 Milano in Lombardia | 20138 Milano in Lombardia | 20139 Milano in Lombardia
Suche: English in Milano  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Milano

Nachhilfe English High School + GCSE's in English, French and Italian

ID 20929
aus 20122 Milano
English, French
High School and GCSE's in Italy and Australia
High School + GCSE's in English, French and Italian
I am Australian, 17 years old and I speak English (mother tongue), French and basic Italian. I have tutored Italian students and Australian students in both English and French. I am fluent in both languages and offer a practical approach to learning languages. This involves a lot of conversation, help with grammar, depending on what is needed. I have very flexible times as well.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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