Mastodon Nachhilfe Italian, Italian mother tongue, also fluent English, English, French, German, knowledge of written 27040 Pavia, High School Diploma; Graduating from the University of Pavia; I belong to Ordine dei Giornalis, Pavia German, German Nachhilfe in Pavia : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe German Pavia

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 97583 Pavia in Yucatán | 7490-401 Pavia in Évora | 7490-402 Pavia in Évora | 7490-403 Pavia in Évora | 7490-404 Pavia in Évora | 7490-405 Pavia in Évora | 7490-406 Pavia in Évora | 7490-408 Pavia in Évora | 7490-420 Pavia in Évora | 7490-421 Pavia in Évora | 7490-422 Pavia in Évora | 7490-423 Pavia in Évora | 7490-424 Pavia in Évora | 7490-425 Pavia in Évora | 7490-426 Pavia in Évora | 7490-427 Pavia in Évora | 7490-428 Pavia in Évora | 7490-429 Pavia in Évora | 7490-430 Pavia in Évora | 7490-431 Pavia in Évora
Suche: German in Pavia  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Pavia

Nachhilfe German Italian: all levels

ID 7711
aus 27040 Pavia
Italian, Italian mother tongue, also fluent English, English, French, German, knowledge of written Russian, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian, Latin
High School Diploma; Graduating from the University of Pavia; I belong to Ordine dei Giornalisti - the profession body of Italian journalists - and I've been working in Italy as a newspaper journalist for almost 7 years, covering entertainment, culture, crime news, whilst also studying semiotics and languages here at Pavia University. The place of tuition: LANCASHIRE / Great-Britain.
Italian: all levels
I'm currently living in Italy but will be moving to England (Lancashire). I've had a very good volunteering experience with kids who are dyslexic. I volunteered as an english and italian teacher, also working with kids with learning difficulties. I have plenty of experience teaching private lessons -english, italian, German and other languages- over here in Italy.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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