Mastodon Nachhilfe Vermont South Computers, Computers Nachhilfe in Vermont South : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Computers Vermont South

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):
Suche: Computers in Vermont South  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Computers Year 7- Year 12

1) ID 25755
aus 3133 Vermont South
Mathematics, Computers
Tutored all year levels in Maths Currently undertaking Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science Education double degree, majoring in Maths and Computer Science
Year 7- Year 12
I have been tutoring for seven years now in Maths at all levels. I have the most experience with Grade 6, Years 8-10, and VCE Maths Methods and Further Maths. I am also very capable of tutoring in Specialist Maths and at the Year 7 and below levels. I finished VCE in 2000 with an ENTER score of 95.05, and raw scores of 43 in Mathematical Methods, 39 in Specialist Mathematics, and 38 in Physics. I have tutored at a Maths Tutoring centre and also I have done a lot of individual tutoring. I am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science Education double degree which I began last year. I am majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have undertaken Java, and am about to complete web design, and database (SQL) subjects. Last year I achieved 93% in Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals (Java), 91% in Calculus and Number Systems, 96% in Discrete Mathematics, 87% in Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming, 97% in Calculus and Linear Algebra, and 95% in Statistics for Life Sciences. The students I have individually tutored have all achieved an increase in their average marks over the course of the tutoring. I work with them and try to identify any issues they may be having with their work and look to approach this from a different angle that will hopefully encourage their understanding. I do not spoon feed the students, as I believe it is much better for them to think about the problem themselves so they can apply their understanding to different problems of a similar nature.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Computers Year 7- Year 12

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Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Computers
2) ID 25755
Mathematics, Computers
Tutored all year levels in Maths Currently undertaking Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science Education double degree, majoring in Maths and Computer Science
Year 7- Year 12
I have been tutoring for seven years now in Maths at all levels. I have the most experience with Grade 6, Years 8-10, and VCE Maths Methods and Further Maths. I am also very capable of tutoring in Specialist Maths and at the Year 7 and below levels. I finished VCE in 2000 with an ENTER score of 95.05, and raw scores of 43 in Mathematical Methods, 39 in Specialist Mathematics, and 38 in Physics. I have tutored at a Maths Tutoring centre and also I have done a lot of individual tutoring. I am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science Education double degree which I began last year. I am majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have undertaken Java, and am about to complete web design, and database (SQL) subjects. Last year I achieved 93% in Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals (Java), 91% in Calculus and Number Systems, 96% in Discrete Mathematics, 87% in Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming, 97% in Calculus and Linear Algebra, and 95% in Statistics for Life Sciences. The students I have individually tutored have all achieved an increase in their average marks over the course of the tutoring. I work with them and try to identify any issues they may be having with their work and look to approach this from a different angle that will hopefully encourage their understanding. I do not spoon feed the students, as I believe it is much better for them to think about the problem themselves so they can apply their understanding to different problems of a similar nature.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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