Mastodon Nachhilfe English, Englich as a second language, polish LS2 9PR, Diploma of teaching English, 9PR Business, Business Nachhilfe in 9PR : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Business 9PR

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Nachhilfe in 9PR

Nachhilfe English, Englich as a second language, p... Primary school level/lower/high secondary level/high school

ID 15027
aus LS2 9PR
English, Englich as a second language, polish
Diploma of teaching English
Primary school level/lower/high secondary level/high school
As a teacher of English I have gained a broad knowledge of teaching English as a Second Language.I had an opportunity to teach children, pupils, teenagers and even students of IT classes. During those years I managed to get many useful techniques and I also improved my personal and technical skills as far as teaching goes .My interests are broad as during the high school years I attended the Music School and managed to combine all those skills together with studying at the some time. My interests are directed into traveling and reading. I am dedicated , patient and demanding tutor. As far as my experience goes I am easy going and open minded to new ideas. I have a good contact with kids and teenagers too.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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