Mastodon Nachhilfe English as a foreign language 5067 Kent Town South Australia, I have a Bachelor of Arts, as well as a Graduate Diploma in the teaching of English to speakers of o, Kent Town South Australia : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Kent Town South Australia

Suche: Kent Town South Australia  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Kent Town South Australia

Nachhilfe in English as a foreign language

ID 19698
aus 5067 Kent Town South Australia
English as a foreign language
I have a Bachelor of Arts, as well as a Graduate Diploma in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages ("TESOL") and a Master of Education (TESOL).
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Dear Tutor Seeker, As well as being very highly qualified in the area of TESOL, I have some experience in teaching English as a second language ("ESL") as well as ESL course and lesson planning. I also love teaching English. Both of my postgraduate degrees were completed via distance education. The Masters degree was completed entirely online, whilst the other one was partly completed via that mode. I also love interacting with people from other cultures. For these reasons I believe that I would be a most suitable choice as a tutor. If you want any further details regarding what prices I charge etc.., you can send me an email or contact me via Skype.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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